‘Green’ Services We Offer
Established in 2016, the goal of Valueman Organic LLP is to implement and popularise purely organic agricultural methods with minimal compromise on yield. Valueman Organic is mainly devoted to promoting organic farming by supplying its customers with organic agricultural input and know-how. Many of the agricultural methods popular in recent times have adversely affected human well-being, both directly and indirectly. The primary objective is to improve human health and well-being through natural organic agriculture.
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About Our Company
Since its inception at the dawn of civilization, farming has been much more than a mere means of earning a livelihood to mankind. Basically, agriculture is an eloquent expression of an affectionate attachment in between man and nature just like mother and child. However, in view of unprecedented ‘population explosion’ as observed noted economists, agronomists, this had to go through a sea of changes.
As inevitable consequences, four essential concerns – eventual infertility of the land, the hazardous feature of food it produces, impact on the people’s health and the severe damage to nature at large – are ignored. When we discovered the grim ground realities in agribusiness, what literary shook us from deep within was the silent weeping of soil, traumatized under the vice-like grip of so called ‘green revolution’ which slowly but surely is turning out to be the ‘Nemesis’ ,the Greek goddess of revenge, to our surrounds. Nevertheless, we did not give in to desperation at all .The trying time prompted us to come up with a robust value based system so that past mistakes can be erased with well-thought-out corrective measure from present with an eye to a promising future above everything else.
In 2009 we began our journey in agro-farming sector. Continuous support of our customers from far and wide encouraged us to establish a corporate entity Valueman Organic LLP in 2016. Agriculture on principle is a noble trade for it is the backbone of our sustenance. Today, VALUEMAN is a well known brand in organic agri-culture and allied sectors.